
    Fathers are truly amazing. My father has done so much for me in my life. He has provided a way for me to go to school, have work, and do several other things. He has been the best dad I could have asked for. He has provided so much for me in my life, and he has only wanted what is best for me. Without my father’s guidance and love, I would have not turned out the way I am today. Without a father, my life would have been so different and that is how the world is. Each and every family is different but without a father in the home, there can be complications.

If we look at the world, we can see that in several cases there are many who become aggressive towards others because of how they were treated by their father or because of the lack of one. In some cases, we tend to have school shooters who have had problems with their fathers. It’s not a question to the movie industry that fathers play an important role in the life of characters. Have you ever noticed that when a character does not have a father in the home they tend to get into more trouble? Maybe the father is abusive, and the character is mean and takes their anger out on others. Movies might be fictional in most cases, but they do indeed have shards of truth spread through them. Now you are probably thinking about the character that lost a father figure at the beginning or somewhere in the story. Yes, this character may seem fine, but it was because they had a good relationship with their father and that is why they are still normal to an extent.

Fathers are known to be the money makers of the family. They provide for those they care about and for those they want to see succeed. This tends to be the case in some homes; however, this is not true in a lot of cases now. Fathers are not the only ones making money for their families. Now the mothers are taking their time to work away from home. Sometimes this must happen because of the way that they might be living or because of the amount of money they are getting from the jobs they work. However, in most cases, mothers have a very positive impact on their children. Children will be less aggressive and have a higher education because the mother is taking the time to nurture and love her children. This helps them become better at socializing and helps them understand what is right and what’s wrong. I have had the opportunity to have my mother at home the entire time I was growing up and I am here to tell you that if she was not a stay-at-home mother, I would have turned out way differently.

I am very grateful that my father taught me the way that he did and provided for his family. I am glad that my father supported me in everything that I did and that my mother supported my father. Without the union of my parents, it would be hard to see where I would have ended up in my life. I have never heard my parents argue about anything and it is because of the love and respect that they have shown each other. I have enjoyed being a part of this family and having the examples that they are in my life. As I have said, my parents have made me into the person I am today and without them, I would be a different human being.


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