Male vs Female

Males and Females have different callings on this earth. Females from birth tend to be more social, they learn to talk earlier, and they communicate and ask for help. Where Males are more physical, they learn how to talk later, and they want to fix and solve the problem. Females are more emotional and if they hurt people, it is more likely that they will hurt them emotionally than physically. Where men are more likely to hurt others physically. Females just like for others to listen to the problem and if they won't help, they will ask for it. However, males tend to want to fix the problem and solve it as soon as they can.

    Females’ calling on this earth is to be nurturing. In my opinion, because women are more social and emotional, I believe that their place is in the home. I know that there are a lot of people who do not agree with me. However, I feel that having a mother in the home can affect the way the child ends up in life. They will be more social, caring, and do things because they have been taught right.

    Males, however, take on the providing, protecting, and presiding calling. They should be the ones out there in the world trying to take care of their family. They are the protectors of their wives and children. They need to be able to help and support their family in any way that they can. It might be easier to just work to provide for yourself, but it is more rewarding to work to support a family. You are not just helping yourself, but you are helping the ones you love.

            However, because males and females have different qualities does not mean that their qualities shouldn’t cross over. Males can be social like girls can and girls can be more aggressive or active like guys. This does not mean that they are more feminine or masculine, but it just means that they are a little more rounded. It is toxic to think that guys can’t or are not allowed to cry. Men have feelings too and because of that, they are allowed to show their emotions. It does not mean that they are more feminine at all. It means that they are human.

            As I have said before males and females think very differently. A video I watched recently talked about the different ways the brain works. This video is called “tale of two brains”. This video, it talks about how males’ brains are like filing cabinets. How men only think about one thing at a time and once they stop thinking about that one thing, they put the box away without letting it touch another box. However, each guy has one box that they go to the most. This is called the nothing box. The man in the video explained that this box is why guys can do mindless things for hours, like fishing. Females on the other hand had a ball of wire as their brain. Each of the wires is connected to the other. That is why females seem to always be thinking.

            Males and Females have a lot of the same qualities. The more we study humans the more we see that males and females have similarities. Just because we have different qualities and attributes doesn’t mean that we can’t have some of the same qualities and attributes as well. Personally, I think that no matter how people act we should treat them equally. After all, they are human, and we all make mistakes. The way we act is what makes us who we are.


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