So... What?

    Looking back on my life I realized how much I felt like I didn't fit in. I felt like I didn't belong anywhere. In elementary school and high school, I would walk through the big doors of the building every day hopefully saying to myself, "this is the day that things will start to look up for me". I tried hard to fit in with the jocks, theater kids, musicians, and even the populars but nothing seemed to work out at the end of the school day. I remember feeling so alone but then I would go home. I'd walk in through the front door and be welcomed with open arms. This was the only place where I felt like I belonged. This was where I was myself, I didn't have to be someone I was not. I was wanted and welcomed. I thought this was the most interesting thing when I was younger because I was adopted. How could I have felt so much love and belonging when the parents I had were not the ones who gave birth to me. 
    By now you're probably wondering why I'm talking about my past. Well, it's because my family is one of the most important things to me. Even though my mom is not my birth mom, she is the only one I will ever call my mom. She was with me through the ups and downs of my life and I love her with everything I have. So what does this have to do with anything? Well, let me tell you. My birth mother had a few choices that she could have made. She could have chosen to keep me, put me up for adoption, or abort me. Today there are many women who are choosing abortion. Personally, I do not agree with abortion because of my personal situation. However, this reminds me of something I learned recently. 

    A few days ago I was in a discussion about zero population. We were talking about how some people think that we are going to run out of food or space on this earth. We talked about a particular book called "The Population Bomb". This book was written when there was a lesser population than we have now. Paul R Ehrlich talks about how there will be no oil, or coal left on the earth. He talks about how it will be polluted and that millions will starve to death because of overpopulation. After this book was released people were afraid to have kids. 

    I found it interesting that if you look at the trends over the years the marriage and birth rates change quite a bit. I heard somewhere that there are not enough children born to replace the people that die every year. People nowadays are getting married at an older age. It is not uncommon for a woman to be getting married at 27 and a man at 30. Fertility rates are not looking so good either. Parental ages, marriage ages, divorce rates, and cohabitation rates are all going up. However, it seems that people with more money are having fewer kids and people with less money are having more kids. I think it all comes down to how our society thinks and the data collected. If you look at the events that have happened, like the women's revolution, we can find that what's stopping the number of children born is individualism. Women don't want to go through the nine months of their bodies changing to support a child. They don't want to take care of the child, they want to do their own thing and not have to have responsibilities. Just like how several of the people in the united states are using the government so that they do not have to work. They are thinking about themselves and nothing more. 

    I am someone who believes in God and because of that, I believe that there are children on the other side waiting to come to this earth. I believe that if we are married, we should be inviting those children into our homes and give them a chance on this earth. I am so glad that my parents invited me into their home and that they love me unconditionally.


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